
Toward me

When You opened my eyes and ears and mind and heart, You unleashed my spirit to life in You. 

People who knew me said it would be over in two weeks. And not out of cruelty. Just honesty, according to my history. 

Now, over 10 years later, I still stand in complete awe of You. I stand in a kitchen with You, my arms raised, tears streaming, hardly able to squeak out the words of the worship song I promise, knowing You so much more, yet exactly the same as the day I was born. 
You've washed through and through who I am, over and over, year after year. 
The best relationship - the best love of my life is with You. 

And I know, full well, if it weren't for Your Power toward me who believes, there would be none of this. No seeing or hearing, no healing, or growing, no closure or filling, no love like this. There would be no Ezekiel William. There would be no Greg and Lora. There would be no wholeness or walking in this joy and hope if it weren't for You. 

It hasn't been by my own power or ability to stay 10+ years. I know as well as everybody else that I don't know how to stay 10+ years. 
But it has been by the Greatness of Your Power Toward me (Ephesians 1:16-19) that has brought us 10 years, and will hold us through eternity together. 

In Jesus name.


  1. Lora, this is beautiful....honestly, I sit here and I wonder how it is that I get out of the habit of reading your 'stuff'. I am touched EVERY time I do.

    I'm back on board and so sorry I have missed you for so long....I have a lot of reading to do.

  2. This is beautiful, Lora. It is because He first loved us that we are able to love Him in return.


Your kind words are a blessing to me. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart.