
His Provisions are Clear

There are things He's done -always, and in particular, of late- that I need to keep.

Like the way my truck went bad, and the shop said $5500 for a new engine, and Greg said "wait on Him", and Piano Carolyn's husband Tom called and confirmed. Wait on Him.
And we made ourselves small. And the path to His got clearer. And we said we could be a one car family, and maybe that was the Plan.
And then it was just a wire. And just $550.
And my truck.

Like the way I was later finally convinced that the best idea was to buy a newer SUV to replace mine, to have lower mileage and enough room for Zeek to fit, for family traveling...
And Greg was on the corner coming home early that Friday. To bring me to look at SUVs.
And the F150 backed over the Bug, squishing it on the road. Totaled.
And Greg walked away, unharmed.
Days after it was Paid in Full. 
And what would have been $9000 in a sale we weren't considering, turned into $11,600.
And we're back in a Mazda, where we met when this whole life began.

Like the way the Willow removal quotes were in the thousands and we scoffed and watched it sway warnings overhead. Stood tall and sure through the biggest winter storm of the year, in April. Winds 40 and 50 mph. Then, weeks later, in the dead still of midnight, it laid itself down to the spring fresh ground in the only space it wouldn't tough a thing. And thousands turned to affordable hundreds. And sweet little Eugene showed up talking about Jeanie and the hanging swing. And down it came.

Like the way I posted all that giant, cut up wood online, Free For The Taking, just before Greg took the day off to clean it up with me. And we cleaned, stacked and stored our own share just in time for Bobby to come with his crew and take the rest. $100 later and even the rotten wood was removed.

Like the way things worked out in the attic when the insulation got lodged in the drain tube and everything could have flooded, but He is watching and taking care of us.

Like the way the door kept closing with Tibbs Construction and their $950 quote. And when we stopped trying to walk through it, another door opened, at half the price and immediate scheduling and results.

Like the way the leaking spigot in the laundry room just needed to be tightened down. And the bathtub hardware could be replaced with $65 and some Holy Spirit led elbow grease. And the way fixing the toilet was the same but cheaper.

Like how one thing leads to another Just as He Ordains. Like the way He takes care of it all because it is all His. Like one miracle after the next. We will not look away.

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